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38 Sensible Views

38 Sensible Views

Welcome to happy hearts, exciting life and bright Hwacheon-gun.

Hanppyeomgil (rest)

  • ThemeThe way along the village
  • LocationDongchon-ri, Hwacheon-eup
  • TimeFrom 2:53 pm in the spring
Viewpoint : Hanppyeomgil, built on the edge of Paroho Lake, is a forest ecology path that can be accessed by boat. It is good to capture the features of the course and the overall scenery to see the charm of walking on dirt roads

You can easily lose your breath climbing the ridge, and walk again on the lakeshore to calm down. Or you can try to greet, with a loud voice, anyone in the house you might meet at the lake. People want to hope to grow in generosity while walking along the road.